Shown above are reservations made and Spanish public holidays.

Please using “contacts” send us an e-mail to request additions.

This is not a commercial venture. So we ask for your indulgence to allow for us to have certain gaps!

“Changeover” is not something we normally like to do in 2 or 3 hours! Hence please ask: We will then juggle to make sure that your stay is that such as we would like to have laid on for us.

This is an apartment bought basically for the use of family and friends.  We consider it to be an extension of our own house

Thus whilst those not know to us personally will be welcome, it is on the expectation that they will treat it, its contents - and wine stocks! - as if it were an extension of their own house. It will be on the understanding that when they - you - leave we will not have to restock, replace or clean (except sheets and towels). As if you are long-established friends who you will not damage a friendship by .....

 Friends of friends are very welcome, however. But we hope no-one will not ask for full commercial treatment.

It does cost a lot to maintain, however. So ask us for suggested contribution, please!